[Use01 - V100-080919]
Gardens or farm fields are "Complex Adaptive Systems". If you look at them that way, for optimal results, the use of composts becomes an absolute necessity.
Improves the soil structure, its porosity and bulk density – creating a better plant root environment.Increases moisture infiltration and permeability of heavy soils – improving drainage and reducing erosion and runoff.Improves moisture holding capacity of light soils – reducing water loss and nutrient leaching.Improves and stabilizes soil pH.Improves cation exchange capacity (CEC) of soils and their ability to hold nutrients for plant use.Supplies a variety of macro and micro nutrients.Supplies significant quantities of organic matter.Supplies beneficial micro-organisms to the soil – improving nutrient uptake and suppressing certain soil-borne diseases.Can bind and degrade specific pollutants.EXAMPLES OF TYPICAL COMPOST APPLICATIONS :Garden Bed PreparationGarden Bed MulchErosion Control MediaTurf Top dressingSYSTEMIC REASONS TO USE COMPOST :It's necessary for system management, for its Effect on pH adjustment.Necessary for system management for its Effects on Soluble Salt Concentration and Availability.Necessary for system management for its Potential Toxicity Reduction.
Necessary for system management for its Effect on Watering Regime.Necessary for system management for its Effects on Nutrient Content and Availability (N-P-K, Ca, Mg and Numerous Essential Micronutrients)Necessary for system management, for its Effect on Need for Fertilizers and Fertilizer Application Rates. Helps Retain Moisture and Stabilize Moisture Content.Adds to Organic Matter Content.Necessary for system management, as compost is relevant in determining the rates for other interventions, and application rates. Some use compost applications as a basis to measure the effectiveness and cost effectiveness of all other type of interventions.Effects on Particle SizeNecessary for system management for its Effect on Porosity.General System Improvement: Compost may improve possibility and positive effects of other interventions.Effects on Trace Elements and Chelation of Heavy Metals.Necessary for system management for its Effect on Fertilizer 'Requirements' and their potential toxicity. Public Relation Effect, as compost addition may help to address and reduce legitimate public concern.Pathogens: Same thing - Compost addition is often necessary to address and reduce public concern.Improves Overall System StabilityNecessary for system management for its Effect on Odor Generation.Necessary for system management for its Effect on seed germination and plant growth.
It is hard to imagine seeking the optimal production of functional foods without heavily using composts in the endeavor, be it commercially on the farm, or privately in your own Personal O&S Garden.
As a general rule, most beneficial effects of composts are usually more pronounced and sometimes strongly enhanced when using higher quality composts, particularly bio-dynamic compost which is widely recognized as the "Gold Standard" in the matter of composts.
See our SEPTEMBER COMPOST SPECIAL in our next post! has partnered with
to bring you the most advanced organic biodynamic compost there is.
Please stay tuned to find out what we have to offer!
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